Linux Post Exploitation
Post Exploitation on Linux
Common Tools
GTFOBins - GTFOBins is a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.
LinPEAS - Linux local Privilege Escalation Awesome Script (linPEAS) is a script that search for possible paths to escalate privileges on Linux/Unix.
pspy - Monitor linux processes without root permissions
pamspy - Credentials Dumper for Linux
Although SUID binaries can be detected using LinPEAS, you can also run the following command to identify SUID files on the system.
swap_digger is a bash script used to automate Linux swap analysis for post-exploitation or forensics purpose. It automates swap extraction and searches for Linux user credentials, Web form credentials, Web form emails, HTTP basic authentication, WiFi SSID and keys, etc.
A tool to dump the login password from the current linux user.
Add User as Passwordless Sudo
Ping Sweep with Bash
Port Scan with Bash
Port scanning with netcat.
Simple TCP port scanning with bash.
Note: This page is incomplete and will be regularly updated. If you have any ideas or resources that need to be added, please contact me at
Last updated
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