This page contain useful Web, Linux, Windows, and Active Directory Attack Cheatsheet
AD Resource / Checklists
Windows / AD Attack Tools
This is common tools for AD / Windows exploitation. I give the keyword, Google it how to use.
NetExec / CrackMapExec
Bloodhound / Sharphound /Rusthound
Powersploit / PowerView / PowerUp
GhostPack-Compiled Binaries
UACME (for UAC bypass)
Mimikatz / LaZagne
WinPEAS / Moriarty
Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation (WES-NG)
GodPotato (for Impersonate PE)
Linux Attack Tools
Common tools for Linux enumeration and exploitation.
Common tools for pivoting. Google it.
Thick Client Pentest
Common tools for thick client pentesting.
Proccess Monitor (For DLL Hijacking Enumeration)
Echo Mirage (Request sniffing and modification)
WinSpy (For UI modification)
Wireshark (For network monitoring)
Proccess Hacker (For Proccess Monitoring)
Signcheck (For digital signature details enumeration)
dnSpy / ILSpy (A .NET debugger and assembly editor)
Thick Client Playground:
Other Useful Checklists
Living Off The Land Projects
What is LOTL Technique?
Unlike traditional malware attacks, which leverage signature files to carry out the attack plan, LOTL attacks are fileless β meaning they do not require an attacker to install any code or scripts within the target system. Instead, the attacker uses tools that are already present in the environment, such as PowerShell, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) or the password-saving tool, Mimikatz, to carry out the attack.
Using native tools makes LOTL attacks far more difficult to detect, especially if the organization is leveraging traditional security tools that search for known malware scripts or files. Because of this gap in the security toolset, the hacker is often able to dwell undetected in the victimβs environment for weeks, months or even years.
Note: This page is incomplete and will be regularly updated. If you have any ideas or resources that need to be added, please contact me at yuyudhn@gmail.com.
Last updated
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